Every first sunday of spring - OUr annual Spring lavender plant sale
Get ready and mark your calendar for the Annual Spring Baby Lavender Plant Sale at Mulberry Lavender Farm.
Mark Your Calendar for
The Fourth Annual Spring
Baby Lavender Plant Sale
Sunday, March 21, 2021
11 am to 3 pm
Our Baby Lavender Plant Sale will be held coming Sunday, March 21, 11-3
Go on a fun road-trip and still safely get ready to plant your LAVENDER GARDEN and pick up some lavender goodies. Our friends at the Lynchburg Winery will be open too!
Lavender helps you RELAX and SLEEP.
We will have lots of all-organic Lavender SOAP, Essential Oil, and Hydrosol (which is an excellent sanitizer).
And of course we will have LOTS OF BABY LAVENDER PLANTS!!
#supportlocalbusiness #lavendergoodforhealth #MadeinTN #mulberrylavenderfarm #straightfromthefarm #TNMagicMoments
Get ready for the Annual Spring Plant Sale on the farm. We will have regionally adapted, hardy lavender for you to beautify your landscape, and enjoy for many years.
There are several varieties to choose from. We are preparing to have lots of plants available for you since the last few years we sold out early.
We will also have our lavender products on hand, such as our pure lavender essential oil, Navajo Churro Wool Dryer Balls, Lavender Hydrosol (great handsanitizer), and Full Spectrum CBD, all straight from the farm.
Lavender is a natural antiseptic, analgesic, and great for aroma therapy. Helps you relax and sleep.
You can also pre-order online and do a product pick-up. Limited delivery available for orders within 15 miles.
You can also pre-order online - choose curbside pickup to avoid shipping.
On the day of the sale, please make sure to take a potty break before arriving, since we will not have restrooms available for public use.
We have free-roaming livestock and wildlife, so please leave your pets in the car or at home.